The Benefits And Tips To Using Aid For Lactation
It is simply a device that facilitates a mother that is breastfeeding her child to have a supplement for the baby with breast milk that is expressed, glucose water with the addition of colostrum or just the water without the use of a bottle. It is not encouraged for the parent to get the aid from using a artificial nipple which would naturally cause the baby to become confused with the nipple or as commonly said bottle spoiled. This is the case most of the time when there isn’t good establishment between the mother and son and the process of breastfeeding, and you do not have to worry about the phycology of the baby as It doesn’t get confused and have the capability of understanding about the process that if the milk provided from a breast is slow that it will immediately be replaced with a good flowing bottle.There are few steps to be taken throughout the process initially it is better to have the baby latched securely for this you can use kangaroo mother care products the purpose using this is to have the baby securely by your side and not worry about any accidental falls during the process. There are chances for the mother’s supply of milk to be comparatively less on the first few days and it is normal and not to be worried about. The amount of milk that a mother has for the day is what’s needed and no one is capable of proving that the mother doesn’t have enough milk. At no instance is it the better idea to use an aid for the purpose of feeding a baby such as with the use of a artificial nipple, cup feeding or finger feeding just as adults babies too learn through practice therefore more focus should be driven to proper methods.
You may question as to what makes up a lactation aid, it is simply a container that is used for the supplement, and the design is a normal feeding bottle that comes with a fairly large nipple hole attached to it. And through it comes a thin tube which is attached to the babies’ mouth, the first step into is to have the baby in a secure position latched on the breast and have It feed naturally from either breast for a while and then with your index finger you slowly slip in the thin tube to the side of the baby’s mouth while moving the breast away from its mouth. And when properly placed the supplementation will flow down the tube line and nourish the baby as needed.Make sure to get medical assistance throughout the first few days of the procedure till you get hand practice on how the process works. Visit this link to find out more reviews regarding lactation aid.